Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dead Man Walking

Sister Helen Prejean
Be Not Afraid Lyrics
If you pass through raging waters
in the sea, you shall not drown.
If you walk amidst the burning flames,
you shall not be harmed.
If you stand before the pow’r of hell
and death is at your side,
know that I am with you, through it all
Be not afraid,
I go before you always,
Come follow Me,
and I shall give you rest.
written by Bob Dufford S.J.

The Cool Cosmos

The Cool Cosmos
  Cool Cosmos at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center & the SIRTF Science Center



electromagnetic spectrum . 

The speed of light (186,000 miles or 300,000,000 meters per second in a vacuum)

Friday, September 3, 2010

11 Ways to Use Our Blog This School Year

11 Ways to Use Our Blog This School Year

Mathematics Resources---Math for America.

Mathematics Resources

  • have in-depth knowledge of the mathematics that forms the foundation of the content and skills they communicate;
  • understand the children they are teaching;
  • have the necessary pedagogical skills to bring the children and the mathematics together.
The Center seeks to fulfill its mission by direct interaction with those who make the maximum contribution to students learning mathematics—the  classroom teachers.

Math for America

Dr. Robert Gyles
Department of Curriculum and Teaching
Hunter College, CUNY
Former Teacher of Mathematics

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A New Generation of Wi-Fi in K-12

A New Generation of Wi-Fi in K-12:

A New Generation of Wi-Fi in K-12

School districts have gone online to improve student learning, professional development, data management, safety, and district-wide communications. To achieve all this, they must connect users' computers to a network – preferably, one that doesn't break the budget and is straightforward to maintain and grow. These networks require some smarts and enhanced features so they can be quickly provisioned and managed. They also need the performance to support the latest instructional multimedia applications. And, as their role becomes central to daily instruction and administration, they need rock-solid reliability.

In short, districts require "business-grade" wireless networks. What does that mean? This eBook answers that question. It introduces you to a new generation of intelligent wireless networking that delivers the robustness of a business-grade network while remaining cost effective for cash-conservative K-12 installations.