Tuesday, August 9, 2011

50 Reasons to Invite Facebook Into Your Classroom

Editor’s Note: It’s not an easy decision to bring Facebook into the classroom. Teachers must contend with all kinds of issues — including breaking the law. In this fraught world of social media privacy, the terrain is that much less clear, but for those who are willing to think about opening that door, here’s an article by Carol Brown of Online College. ---- with links

1. It’s free: Schools pay thousands of dollars for collaboration, digital storage, and communication systems, but Facebook does all of these things — for free.

4. Calendars and events are easy to share: Remind students of important dates and events right where they hang out — on Facebook.

5. Students will learn 21st century skills: A study from the University of Minnesota discovered that social networking sites like Facebook help students practice the skills they need to be successful in the 21st century.

6. Students want to share beyond the classroom: Facebook and other social media tools open up the possibility for students to share what they’ve learned not just with their fellow students, but with the world.

7. Online resources are even more convenient: Posting links on your classroom wall makes it easy for students to read them, and share interesting finds as well.

11. group for a word of the day, or history lesson of the day to utilize a learning point You can schedule daily learning activities: Sign up your classroom Facebook that can be enjoyed together and referenced later.
12. Facebook encourages collaboration rather than cliques: Everyone can speak up and work together on Facebook, where students may be held back socially in the classroom.
13. There’s an opportunity to discuss appropriate use: Set students up for success in social media by discussing appropriate ways to use it.
14. Facebook creates a social bond: Teachers and students can benefit from the social bond created by interaction on Facebook.

23. You’ll save paper: Permission slips and flyers that used to be sent home on paper and eaten by the dog can bow be uploaded in Facebook groups for parents to use instead.

24. Students can conduct research: Whether it’s for asking a far-flung family member about genealogy or taking an informal poll, students can use their Facebook friends to gather information.

25. Facebook is great for reminders: Even if you’re mentioning important dates and assignments elsewhere, students can be helped with reminders that pop up right in their Facebook feed.

26. Students can share at-home progress: Want to know how student science projects are coming along? Ask for photos of their works in progress, posted on your classroom Facebook wall.

27. Social media becomes less of a distraction: Some teachers have found that using Facebook and other social media sites for education means that students are less tempted to use them inappropriately during class time.
31. Media can be disseminated with ease: Teachers, students, and parents can post pictures, video, and questions, sharing a dialog and resources on Facebook.

32. Group projects can be executed on Facebook: Students can form groups for class projects, sharing assignments, information, and bringing it all together with trackable involvement.

33. Show and tell: Students may not be able to bring their zoo-worthy python into the classroom, but photos and videos can be shared on Facebook.

34. Debates can be taken online: Extend classroom discussions onto Facebook, where students can spend more time in active learning and debate.

35. Students are more likely to interact with faculty: Facebook breaks down barriers, making instructors more socially available to students-and making it easier to talk to them.

36. Outsiders can offer their input: Teachers can easily ask experts to chime in on Facebook pages, sparking a new level of discussion and involvement.

37. Students can learn the importance of creating content: Instead of simply consuming content, students can create, posting discussions, resources, and more.

45. Facebook is full of learning apps: You can find tons of apps for classroom learning, including mathematical formulas, slideshow applications, class notes, and more.

46. Relationships can continue after the course: Students can ask for recommendation letters, advice for other classes, and more because of Facebook’s informal communication.

47. Students can become established on Facebook: Using Facebook in the classroom will allow students to start seeing it as a professional tool, and allow them to build a presence on the site.

48. Facebook provides an opportunity for collaborative learning: Bringing the social element of Facebook into collaborative learning helps to encourage the practice and improve student engagement.

49. Students can learn about academic and professional networking opportunities: By using Facebook, students will be able to discover the opportunities for career focused networking that are available.

50. Faster feedback: Facebook allows instructors to host extended virtual office hours, with postings and responses available around the clock.


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