Monday, May 16, 2011

Education, Knowledge, Learning

Working Day

Education, Knowledge, Learning
Debates about the nature of effective school and preparation for global competitiveness are weighted by rhetoric and have obscured a fundamental question about learning and development: what does it mean to be educated? What is the obligation of society to educate its young people? And in a time of increasing global interconnectedness tempered with critical, sustaining cultural distinctiveness, what can, should, or must all young people deserve and expect to learn?

What does it mean to be an educated person? What kind of education do our children deserve, and how can we insure that our youths develop into intelligent, responsible and compassionate adult citizens of the world? Authors ponder the American educational system and how it measures up against the rest of the world, how the flaws in our system imperil our nation’s future, and what we can learn from our international counterparts.

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